Airports for Cripple Creek, Colorado
Well, you can fly over or around but no landing... there aren't any airports for Cripple Creek, Colorado. Here's an overview of what is available close to town.
Colorado Springs
This place is great because it's small and getting around is easy. Lines for security are typically short. Fares are typically higher for direct flights into the Springs and there's very few left. The better value is through Denver since most airlines have a stop-over there anyway. Check flight status and other information for:
Colorado Springs - click here.
Denver International
Denver International is big and busy. A train runs for all gates. Still, it's one of those places you never forget. Colorado Springs is about 90 minutes south of Denver on I-25. Check flight status and other information for:
Denver International - click here.
Pueblo Memorial
Pueblo is another option for visitors to Cripple Creek. It's smaller than the Springs with flights only to Denver and Las Vegas but parking is cheaper. Check flight status and other information for:
Pueblo Memorial - click here.
Travel Math
Those are the top three around Cripple Creek. But don't take my word for it... do some travel math:
Closest Airports - Cripple Creek, Colorado
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