Bed & Breakfast or B&Bs in Cripple Creek, Colorado offer just what the name implies- a bed and breakfast. So what's the attraction? Special service? Unique amenities? Romance? BUZZ about your experience. Have you stayed in a B&B in Cripple Creek? Are there more to add to this list?
Carr Manor Luxury Bed & Breakfast P.O. Box 189 350 E. Carr Ave. Cripple Creek, Colorado 80813 719-689-3709
Cherub House 415 Main St. Cripple Creek, Colorado 80813 719-689-0526
Silver House Bed & Breakfast 355 S. Second St. Cripple Creek, Colorado 80813 719-689-5558
Whispering Pines Bed & Breakfast
127 Stratton Circle Cripple Creek, Colorado 719-689-2316
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