Comments for Dynamite Dicks @ Midnight Rose

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Nov 08, 2010
Tsk, Tsk Dynamite Dick's
by: Buzz

Your post gets 3 stars because you're getting the word out - there is no excuse for a bad grilled cheese sandwich. This is especially upsetting because the Buzz has complained previously about the food. In that instance, nauchos were laughingly presented with a few green chilies and some kind of watery orange topping. Sad.

Hey Midnight Rose: If folks can't trust Dynamite Dick's, why would they risk the Down Under? Get the basics right!!!!

A Buzz visit is in order. Watch for updates to come.

Regarding the rest of your post - you could develop a Power Point Presentation with your grilled cheese instruction or better yet, a video I can link to and share! If a peanut butter and jelly sandwich can save the world; imagine what a proper grilled cheese can do.

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